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After School Programs

CORAL Performs Folklorico at the Multicultural Festival

CORAL (Grades K-6)
The CORAL Program is an afterschool program focused on Balanced Literacy. Balanced literacy consists of the following components: read alouds, journals, and silent reading. Although it is not a homework center, time is set aside for the homework. In CORAL students have the ability to join clubs and go on field trips. Some clubs have included art, Folklorico dancing, sports, knitting, friendship bracelet making, and photography.

Days and Times of Operation:   Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday Kindergarteners from 1:00PM - 6:00PM Grades 1-6 from 2:00PM - 6:00PM   Thursday Grades K-6 from 1:00PM - 6:00PM

How to Apply:
Students attending the CORAL Extended Learning Program are referred by their current teacher or from a previous years teacher based on their test scores. Applications are available in the CORAL Office Monday –Friday from 1:30 PM to 6:00 PM during the regular school year and 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM during the summer. There is an annual enrollment fee per child enrolled. 
Questions or Comments:
Nelda Villafuerte
Site Manager
(408) 938-3200 ext.3240